Foley Park Primary School

Completed: 2009
Client: Worcestershire County Council

A significant percentage of our school design work involves remodelling and extending existing facilities. The challenge is often how to maximise the contribution that small changes can bring to the operation and feel of a school.

This particular scheme dealt with the conversion of Foley Park First School to create a single form entry primary school, the work being undertaken as a part of the Wyre Forest Schools review for Worcestershire County Council.

In addition to internal refurbishment works this project included the provision of two new “pavilion’ buildings that frame the existing playground and provide a dedicated nursery and group teaching area together with facilities for the older children. The buildings take the form of simple “modelled boxes” that contrast with the original Victorian school. Both pavilions use the same pallet of materials, with render and Siberian Larch rainscreen cladding.

Designs were developed in close consultation with the school using simple card models and computer visuals. The children were also involved in undertaking some of the soft landscaping around the nursery building.